The Camels are Coming ( Biggles ) W E Johns
The Arabian Nights
Biggles Flies Again W E Johns
Gimlet Goes Again W E Johns
The Year without a Santa Claus Phylis McGinley
Wombats Don't have Christmas Michael Dugan
A Christmas Card Paul Theroux
Mr Bliss J R R Tolkien
Farmer Giles of Ham J R R Tolkien
Listening Woman Tony Hillerman
Letters from Father Christmas J R R Tolkien
The Kraken Wakes John Wyndham
Trouble with Lichen John Wyndham
Sky High W E Johns
Prelude to Foundation Isaac Asimov
Biggles on Mystery Island . W E Johns
Biggles Takes a Holiday W E Johns
The Winds of Change Isaac Asimov
Rendezvous with Rama . Arthur C Clarke
Imperial Earth Arthur C Clarke